Sep 9, 2012
And so the adventure begins - next stop Kathmandu!
Sunday, September 09, 2012
CHUCS, Hope for Tomorrow, Inspirational, Makalu, Maximuscle, PwC, Sherpa Adventure Gear, Sisterhood, Striders Edge, The People You Meet
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I have just two short hours until my taxi comes to transport me to Heathrow and on to Kathmandu via New Delhi. My two bags (guess-timate weight is 40kg) are both parked at the front door waiting to whisked away on yet another this great adventure - although, given the weight, the more appropriate term would, in fact, be 'lugged'..! I have a number of different emotions and thoughts going around in my head - nerves, excitement, standing on the cusp of the known and the unknown... Soon this journey will 'formally' begin... and I can't wait..!!
Before leaving to say a few "Thank Yous" that are long overdue…
Thank you to my amazing friends - for your many emails, calls and words of wisdom. Thanks for your kindness and for making me laugh during those moments when I needed to most and for listening and for picking up so many thing for me while I am away. You guys are the best and I really really can't wait to have a drink with you all in the pub in November…! A huge special thank you to my amazing flatmates DJ Lora and Pieter and my inspirational climbing partner Magda. You guys rock. Literally.
A huge thank you to David English, who is an absolutely legend and a true inspiration having introduced me to the charity, Hope for Tomorrow through which I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with two amazing women, Christine Mills and Alex Trapnell. I'm really excited to be working with you. Your enthusiasm and sense of adventure will no doubt give me strength and determination.
Thank you to my family - for your patience and for the spirit of adventure that I am certain that I inherited from you.... although there is some argument which side of the family it actually came from..! I know how much you worry about me but, in the same breath, how much you totally stand behind and support everything that I do. I promise to do my very best to come back in one piece and that my next adventure will involve butterfly collecting or basket weaving.
Thank you to Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) and to my colleagues for putting up with my stories and worries and random outbursts on a regular basis. Thank you so much for your support, encouragement and for putting up with me - especially in the last month when my 'hypoxic' state was affecting my short-term memory...
Thank you to the organisations and individuals who have supported me – Sherpa Adventure Gear, Striders Edge, Chucs Dive and Mountain Shop, Maximuscle, and the Sisterhood.
A final humungous thank you to all of you who have kindly contributed to Hope for Tomorrow. On behalf of the charity, I very much appreciate all of the support that you have shown to this tremendously worthwhile cause. Your donations will certainly help to make the lives of those people living with cancer and requiring chemotherapy much more comfortable, allowing them to have their cancer treatment close to home. If you haven't donated but wish to support this fantastic cause you can do so via this link:
On that note, I'd best log off here... My next entry will be from the city of organised chaos, Kathmandu!
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