A picture which makes me smile... It was taken in April 1999, mid-way through my first adventures to Nepal. I was a bit younger, a bit more naieve, a bit braver, with a few less bruises - real & proverbial. I genuinely can't believe that this was 19 years ago. Would I change anything about the way life has unfolded? Hell no. Would I relive it? Hell yes.
But what advice would I give to my younger self? I sat down today to jot down a few thoughts which are by no means comprehensive..
Over the course of the past 19 years, through the ups and downs, through heartbreak and through joy, through truly breathing from my soul - and sometimes hardly breathing at all I've learned to...
Lean into uncertainty and the unknown. Growth means that you have to move towards people & moments you can't predict the outcome of. Trust in that mystery. Everything in life happens for a reason - even though you may not understand why at the time. You're going to experience the loss of loved ones, have your heart broken, go thru job-changes, natural disasters & meet people who don’t share your values. But in leaning into uncertainty & the unknown you'll also experience happiness, fulfilment, see the world & meet incredible, inspiring people who will both lead & guide. In turn, you'll instigate opportunities that’ll make small, positive dents in peoples lives. Embrace these moments. They’ll fuel your passion to make a difference. And remember to stop and breathe along the way.
It’ll be lonely at times, but you’re never really alone. Love your family. Nurture your friendships.
Trust yourself. When it feels like a struggle understand who you are & what you want, remember you're forging a new path. Trust your gut, trust your instincts. Embrace adventure.
Don’t rush. Take time to listen to the stories of the people you meet along the way. Strangers will become friends. And their stories will become yours.
And finally, remember to laugh. You have one life. Enjoy it. Live it without regret.
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